New Poll: What summer activities are you planning?


It is the summer season. Time for relaxation, a change of routine, and a time of reflection.

For something interesting and new, here is an informal poll to assess the types of activities that we are enjoying this season. Please visit the poll often, as the summer progresses, to see what types of activities the reading audience is involved with.

Thank you for voting!

About mymuco1

Ian Green wears hats in many areas of the music industry including: co-founder of a technology start-up company that designs music education tools for mobile devices and the internet; music educator; music festival adjudicator; professional classical and jazz pianist; member in good standing of Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association; member of provincial council of Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association; member of the Canadian Music Festival Adjudicators Association (C.M.F.A.A.) Thanks!
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